Thursday, February 21, 2013

How MS Effects My Mother

How MS Effects My Mother

Multiple Sclerosis effects my mother in different ways. There are days where she feels a small amount of pain in her legs while there are other days where the amount of pain is so extreme that she will barely even get out of bed. The days where she needs help getting around she uses a cane if she needs the help. Most days she can deal with the pain.

My mom has to go see a nuerologist about her MS and pain once in a while. She takes a needle in her arm to get the medicine in her body. She takes some medication for the pain she feels.

My mom used to have a job, but because of the pain in her legs she wasn't able to hold the job. Due to her not being able to hold a job. She gets some money from the government.

In the house, she can do mostly anything but sometimes she needs help with a chore. Most of the time she will ask for my help or one of my brothers to grab something for her if she can't reach it or if it is too heavy. We normally help her with a chore anyways or do it for her so she isn't in pain while doing it. If she needs to get up and her legs are in extreme pain she'll ask some one to get her something or help her to another room.

There are times where she'll deal with the pain but she may have to sit down or lean against something to relieve herself from some pain.

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