Saturday, March 23, 2013

How MS Effects My Family and I

How MS Effects My Family and I
Multiple Sclerosis effects more than just person that has it. MS easily effects friends and family of the person the disease. One way if affected me and my family is that sometimes we had to go and help our mom get around the house because of her pain. There are other times where she would be in so much pain that we had to go and get stuff for her and take it back to her. For the days that she was able to get up and move around herself, she would still need help with lifting heavy things or moving stuff around.
Another way it effected us was that her short-term memory got pretty bad that we would have to keep track of things that needed to be done and/or things that we had to get from the store. For all of the important data she'd have to remember, she would have to write it down on paper so whenever she needed to know it, she wouldn't have to worry about knowing it by heart.
Another way it would affect us is that if we had to go somewhere, we would always start preparing earlier because of how my mom takes longer to do simple things. As an example if we had a doctor's appointment at 10 am and it is a half an hour drive to get there, then we would be getting ready around 9 am. Due to her MS, we would then get ready earlier so that we would be ready to leave by 9:30 am.

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